Section 1 - My History of Hemi-Sync (in a nutshell).
I first read about Hemi-Sync in a book titled Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Stargate, America's Psychic Espionage Program.

This book may sound like a work of Science Fiction, but it is in fact, a true account of the people, places, and events that lead up to the creation of the Hemi-Sync Method. Coincidentally, I actually purchased my copy of this book on a U.S. Army Base of all places. This book expounds on the development of Hemi-Sync, along with the myriad other programs that have now sprung up from the research conducted originally within the tenuous partnership of the United States Government, the Stanford Research Institute, and other researchers like Bob Monroe.
A reserved and scientific man by nature, Bob Monroe (yes like in the Simpsons), began working on this system as a means of enhancing the remote viewing abilities that the Military Intelligence community so desperately coveted. What they wound up with however, was something quite a bit different from the original military application.
The folks at the Monroe Institute have since refined the techniques and built a system which is absolutely remarkable. This new system has the ability to take someone who is completely ignorant about the world of meditation and/or remote viewing, and allow them to achieve results that would have taken years otherwise. The leader of a Zen Buddhist Temple was quoted on the Monroe Institute's website as saying something to the tune of, "Students of the Hemi-Sync system are able to reach meditative states in weeks that, until now, took years of sitting." And I've heard very similar statements made by people from all walks of life...from self-proclaimed noobies to experienced meditators!
The fundamental principle behind Hemi-Sync is a system of what are called, "Binaural Beats." These rhythms and harmonic tones create a dissonance between your ears that helps to focus and concentrate brain activity and to synchronize the right and left hemispheres of the brain...hence the name Hemi-Sync.

Normally, the chatter between the right and left hemispheres of our brain occurs through a channel known as the Corpus Callosum, which acts like a bridge between two different countries...the right brain being a country that believes in creative abstraction and the left brain being a country that believes only in numbers and systematic order. This is the bio-equivalent of Buddhist Priests and Career Politicians trying to you can begin to imagine the language barrier...not to mention the syntax issues! It is the same story with our brains. In our normal waking state, we have polarized second we are creative, the next we are planning and plotting, but it is difficult to use both the creative and methodical hemispheres at the same time. It is a natural function of the inherent duality of our wiring, and until Hemi-Sync, it could only be compensated for through years of meditation and focused concentration.
Did I pique anyone's interest yet? Still on the fence? I recommend doing some more research on your own if you are still undecided. Remember, there's a difference between being skeptical and being prejudice. Skepticism is not based on your religious upbringing or your education, it is based on evidence or the lack thereof. Prejudice is simply denying the validity of an issue when the evidence is staring you in the face, and you can base this on any number of cultural go! Gather more evidence if you need! I can wait (tic, toc, tic, toc :)
Section 2 - My First Resounding Experience
If you've made it this far, then I applaud you. Especially if you were skeptical, even discounting, but you allowed yourself to weigh the evidence and decided to proceed in concord. That is, in my opinion, the most admirable personality trait of all. Okay, okay, on with the show! (I'll start off light so I don't freak anyone out too soon :)
To start off, let me give you a bit of background material so you'll understand the kind of person I was before I started the hemi-sync program. I was a self-proclaimed atheist who believed in God or the stories of creation about as much as a Hard-Core-Bible-Thumper believes in Thor or Pixies. I had very little interest in spiritual matters, but I did believe in keeping my body healthy (apart from my unfortunate smoking habit, which comes and goes). I exercised, tried to eat right, stayed away from unnecessary chemicals, and practiced various breathing techniques cherry-picked from a small collection of yoga books.
I was also a bit of a geek in the old-school sense of the word. I liked Science Fiction, read a lot of weird (mostly non-fiction) books that most people would laugh at, and I loved to learn about any and every strange topic I could get info on. Apart from that, I graduated from College on time and received my degree in International Business Administration. Once I was out of school, I took a job working for a Staffing Firm, where I continued to work until quite recently.
Pretty normal so far, right? Okay, stay with me now....
My first experience with Hemi-Sync was powerful, but it was far from "out there." I slipped into the meditative state, relaxed, saw some cool images, came back out, and went to sleep. After a few more exercises, I invited my girlfriend to do it with me and she agreed, so we set up two sets of headphones, laid down in the bed together and pressed play. Everything was normal until about five minutes (very hard to be precise as time is difficult to pinpoint while meditating) into the exercise, when I felt my girlfriend's finger twitch and brush my leg. This caused me to sit up and look over at her, but what had really happened was something altogether surreal.
I had not actually sat up at all. My body was in fact in the same position it had originally assumed, yet my "energy body" (or whatever you want to call it) had sat up and was now looking over at my girlfriend. At this point, I may have lost some people...but I would swear before a judge and jury as to the validity of everything I am saying here, so if you still have an open mind, please keep reading.
At this point, I could see my girlfriend's body enveloped in a beautiful white light. It was pulsating and there was a sound associated with it, but it was different from sounds we normally hear, as this sound was actually felt like a low bass note.
I proceeded to look down towards my own body and was amazed to see that I was covered in a thick orange light. The light emanating from my chest was also pulsating and had a slightly different sound than my girlfriend's, but it was quite similar.
Upon exiting the meditative state, I jumped up and ran to my computer and proceeded to search for a website explaining Auras. I had NEVER believed in auras before that moment and had actually ridiculed those who claimed to see them (of which I am deeply ashamed and embarrassed now)...but at this point I was completely convinced as to what I had seen. I found a website that had detailed descriptions of the colors of auras, and I began to read them when my jaw started its gradual descent to the floor. Below are the exact words I read regarding the two colors I had witnessed.
Orange is the color of warmth, creativity and emotions. It is an indication of courage, joy and socialness. It is a color which can reflect an opening of new awareness-especially to the subtle realms (the astral plane) of life.
Depending on the shade, it can also indicate emotional imbalances and agitation. Some of the muddier shades of orange can reflect pride and flamboyance. It may reflect worry and vanity.
White is often seen in the aura, prior to any actual colors. It is often seen as a diaphanous shades. White has all colors within it, and when it does appear strongly within the aura, it is often in conjunction with other colors. This is how you can know whether it is an actual energy color or just a poor perception of the aura. When the white does stand out as a color in the aura, it reflects truth and purity. It indicates that the energy of the individual is cleansing and purifying itself. It often reflects an awakening of greater creativity as well.
Note: Shortly after this experience, my girlfriend changed her major from business to architecture. Interesting considering her recent "awakening of greater creativity" :)
So I kept reading....each color was so specific that NONE of the other colors would have even come close to fitting the situation. Needless to say...after a long time of being a demeaning jerk towards those who believed in auras, I was now starting to doubt myself. And was starting to feel like a bit of an ass....
After a few more sessions, the doubt had been erased had since been replaced by a feeling of total inadequacy. I had NO IDEA how any of this stuff worked and I felt like I had been wasting my life concerning myself with money, cars, houses, basically STUFF...when inside, I didn't have anything of real substance. Don't get me wrong, this was not a religious experience per-se...neither was it a purely scientific one. I had opened the door to something that has now become a pillar of my life, and I can only hope that writing this will help more of you to take that first step towards a broader understanding of our multi-dimensional reality.
Much Love!
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