This book begins in the early 80's in China and it discusses the various programs which sought to investigate the phenomena of psychic children who seemed to be popping up all over the country at the time. These children possessed abilities like being able to see without using their eyes, see through solid objects, and even telekinesis in some cases (2). At first the Chinese Government considered the matter to be ridiculous, but the number of these children kept increasing. Eventually, the government decided that they should step in and take control of the situation which is the last spoiler you'll get out of this review :)
In a speech by researcher Drunvalo Melchizedek, he talks about the Bio-Computer interface that these children seem to possess, and even gives examples of people he's met in other countries with identical abilities. One of these special individuals was even taken by NASA to work as an informant for them, as she has the ability to see anything in the Solar System in real time. Sounds crazy right? Well, go do a couple of hemi-sync exercises and we'll see if you still think so.
Drunvalo Melchizedek has also given us a wonderful website called The Spirit of Ma'at which is loaded with great information and articles about a wide variety of topics including an article about these Psychic Children.
I highly recommend China's Super Psychics for anyone who is unsure about the true nature and potential of humanity. Enjoy!
If you would like to pick up a copy of this amazing book click here.
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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