Okay, now I understand how batteries are charged, what does this have to do with plants?
Well, I need to make another connection before we can get to that. I have been doing mental/sensory enhancement exercises now for the past 3+ years and have started to notice that I can close my eyes and "see" energy patterns coming from people, animals, objects, and yes...plants. People seem to have a swirling energy pattern (call it an aura, or whatever you like, but it does exist) around them in most instances, as do animals...as if someone dropped a rock in the shape of his/her silhouette into a pool of light and the ripples are protruding outward in every direction. Inanimate objects have a steady "grid" pattern surrounding them and they rarely have anything interesting about them, with the exception of certain materials like quartz which seem to channel this energy in certain directions. That brings us to the energy patterns of plants.
It wasn't until I started to compare these energy patterns, which I was perceiving around the plants, with the energy patterns of various electrical systems however that I began to notice the similarities between the energy patterns given off by plants and those produced in a charging circuit.
Plants seem to give off a steady sine wave shaped flow of energy that flows outward from the stem of the plant like a radio station using a broadcast tower to send their sound energy out to your car stereo, except the energy coming from the plant is absorbed by your body, whereas radio waves pass right through us.
If anyone can confirm this with data illustrating the energy patterns of plant life, please email me at david@college-alternatives.com
Update: Danilo Venegas (long-time friend of the author and fellow blogger) has pointed me to a very interesting site concerning humans energy patterns and how they relate to plants. CHECK IT OUT!
Links: 1, 2, 3,
Hey Dave,
interesting little blurb here about plants. Naturally I think you've got to have something right in there because plants def. have some kind of energy storing/release function photosynthesis and the lot come to mind. The fact that plants and trees are what enable us to live by creating oxygen indicates that yes, plants have energy and possibly act as chargers for other life forms (most living beings consume some kind of vegetation of one form or another).
I found this little Homeopathy website with a pretty interesting article about different energy forms we as humans take on for different tasks. apparently we have a couple of different energy forms which we use for different situations ie. the mineral energy form is used when we need order, structure, and linearity.
check it out I think you'll find it interesting.
Sweet man! Much appreciated! I'm going to put it in the links for that post.
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