How many times have you sat in front of that dreaded paper, covered with equations or word problems, empty spaces staring you in the face? We all remember Math tests...some more fondly than others. What if there was a way, not only to speed up your ability to calculate the answers to the various problems, but also to check your work at a glance?
Welcome to Marko Rodin's Vortex Based Mathematics.
This video is a bit lengthy, but gives you a great overview of the potential of this system.
Men Who Stare At Goats.... making fun of a serious matter....
I haven't seen this movie yet, but I have read the book on which it's based and I just wanted to express my utter disdain for the comedic portrayal of such a monumental undertaking. Hopefully everyone will have a good laugh at this movie, but remember that the veracity of the psychic spy and the technology being developed to amplify this innate ability is very real indeed.
Personally I preferred Paul Smith's version of the story.
Personally I preferred Paul Smith's version of the story.
Supplements to Enhance Mental Clarity
In this article, I will put forth a short list of various herbs and mineral supplements that have been shown to enhance the brain/mind's ability to focus and perform. First, I will tell you a bit about the supplement and its purported effects, then I will discuss where to procure it, and finally how to prepare it for consumption.
*Note - Mind Mechanics does not recommend ingesting these supplements in the form of pills purchased in health food or supplement stores, because we believe that the quality of the chemical compound is severely lessened when the compound is treated and stored in a pill or powder form. (This is based on personal experience and not on clinical studies)
1. Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), also known as Ling Zhi, is a mushroom found primarily in Hemlock Forests of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. According to Wikipedia
"...lingzhi, in Chinese, means 'herb of spiritual potency' and has also been described as 'mushroom of immortality'." Of the many people who frequently consume Reishi, virtually none of them ever report side effects, yet the vast majority of them report a variety of health benefits. This is just one of the many reasons why it has been included in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. The only known side effects occur when Reishi is used for more than 4 months at a time, and they range from dryness of the nose and throat to nosebleeds, but these can easily be remedied by discontinuing the consumption for a minimum of one month.
To prepare Reishi for consumption, first you must dry and then either slice or pulverize it. Next you will boil the pieces for at least two hours to free the active ingredients from the chitin. If you are using the more active Red Reishi, your liquid will be extremely bitter and may need to be mixed or added to a soup before consumption.
2. Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo biloba) is quite remarkable in its own right. This tree has no living relatives and is considered to be a "living fossil" by botanists due to its remarkably unchanged genetic makeup. It is believed that this tree would have become completely extinct if it weren't for the intervention of Chinese monks some thousands of years ago. Although studies have yielded conflicting results, the testimony of individual consumers alone would make (for me at least) ample evidence of the efficacy of Ginkgo. It has been known to increase circulation in organ tissue, protect against free radicals, and to improve memory (most likely due to increased levels of oxygen in the brain). There are a variety of side effects reported by people using Ginkgo, but they vary widely from person to person, so we suggest using a small dose first and working your way up if you don't notice any side effects.
Ginkgo can be prepared in a tea by boiling the leaves, but the leaves can also be dried, pulverized and used as a seasoning or capsulated. Either method will produce the desired effects.
3. St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a flowering plant found in the temperate and subtropic regions of many countries around the world, although predominantly of those in the Northern Hemisphere. St. John's Wort can be identified by the leaves which exhibit very unique translucent dots, and by the flowers which have five petals and are yellow in color. The primary clinical use of St. John's Wort has been for the treatment of mild depression, and its efficacy has withstood numerous clinical trials. This benefit in and of itself has merit, but we are proposing its usefulness in another realm...that of mental clarity. We all know how distracting negative thoughts can be. Anyone who has ever had a loved one fall ill can attest to the impact which that has on their ability to focus, whether it be at work, in school, or in general everyday life. For those of you who have used Hemi-Sync, or who meditate regularly, who are also acutely aware of the impact which negative thoughts can have. For this reason, St. John's Wort can be used to free up your mental energy for use in other areas such as focus and concentration. Please be sure to check the drug interaction warnings before taking St. John's Wort as it can conflict with a variety of other medications such as birth control and other antidepressants.
St. John's Wort can be ingested and used in many ways. For our purposes, we recommend using a combination of the flowers and the leaves in an herbal tea blend.
4. Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) is a genus of aquatic plant found in many regions of the world. It has been used in Ayurvedic Medicine for thousands of years and is known in India as medhya rasayan which means "Brain Tonic." It is reported to have numerous benefits including enhanced memory development, concentration, and learning, as well as antioxidant and anticancerous effects. The ingestion of Bacopa has little to no known side effects to date, but we welcome any new information regarding this statement if any exists.
You can prepare Bacopa in a variety of ways. The flowers can be pulverized and used as a food additive (perhaps in a smoothie) and the leaves can be used in an herbal tea. We suggest a combination of both leaves and flowers for the full effect.
If you have any other suggestions for this post, please email them to
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
*Note - Mind Mechanics does not recommend ingesting these supplements in the form of pills purchased in health food or supplement stores, because we believe that the quality of the chemical compound is severely lessened when the compound is treated and stored in a pill or powder form. (This is based on personal experience and not on clinical studies)
1. Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), also known as Ling Zhi, is a mushroom found primarily in Hemlock Forests of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. According to Wikipedia
"...lingzhi, in Chinese, means 'herb of spiritual potency' and has also been described as 'mushroom of immortality'." Of the many people who frequently consume Reishi, virtually none of them ever report side effects, yet the vast majority of them report a variety of health benefits. This is just one of the many reasons why it has been included in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. The only known side effects occur when Reishi is used for more than 4 months at a time, and they range from dryness of the nose and throat to nosebleeds, but these can easily be remedied by discontinuing the consumption for a minimum of one month.
To prepare Reishi for consumption, first you must dry and then either slice or pulverize it. Next you will boil the pieces for at least two hours to free the active ingredients from the chitin. If you are using the more active Red Reishi, your liquid will be extremely bitter and may need to be mixed or added to a soup before consumption.
2. Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo biloba) is quite remarkable in its own right. This tree has no living relatives and is considered to be a "living fossil" by botanists due to its remarkably unchanged genetic makeup. It is believed that this tree would have become completely extinct if it weren't for the intervention of Chinese monks some thousands of years ago. Although studies have yielded conflicting results, the testimony of individual consumers alone would make (for me at least) ample evidence of the efficacy of Ginkgo. It has been known to increase circulation in organ tissue, protect against free radicals, and to improve memory (most likely due to increased levels of oxygen in the brain). There are a variety of side effects reported by people using Ginkgo, but they vary widely from person to person, so we suggest using a small dose first and working your way up if you don't notice any side effects.
Ginkgo can be prepared in a tea by boiling the leaves, but the leaves can also be dried, pulverized and used as a seasoning or capsulated. Either method will produce the desired effects.
3. St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a flowering plant found in the temperate and subtropic regions of many countries around the world, although predominantly of those in the Northern Hemisphere. St. John's Wort can be identified by the leaves which exhibit very unique translucent dots, and by the flowers which have five petals and are yellow in color. The primary clinical use of St. John's Wort has been for the treatment of mild depression, and its efficacy has withstood numerous clinical trials. This benefit in and of itself has merit, but we are proposing its usefulness in another realm...that of mental clarity. We all know how distracting negative thoughts can be. Anyone who has ever had a loved one fall ill can attest to the impact which that has on their ability to focus, whether it be at work, in school, or in general everyday life. For those of you who have used Hemi-Sync, or who meditate regularly, who are also acutely aware of the impact which negative thoughts can have. For this reason, St. John's Wort can be used to free up your mental energy for use in other areas such as focus and concentration. Please be sure to check the drug interaction warnings before taking St. John's Wort as it can conflict with a variety of other medications such as birth control and other antidepressants.
4. Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) is a genus of aquatic plant found in many regions of the world. It has been used in Ayurvedic Medicine for thousands of years and is known in India as medhya rasayan which means "Brain Tonic." It is reported to have numerous benefits including enhanced memory development, concentration, and learning, as well as antioxidant and anticancerous effects. The ingestion of Bacopa has little to no known side effects to date, but we welcome any new information regarding this statement if any exists.

If you have any other suggestions for this post, please email them to
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Mental Clarity,
Mind Enhancement,
Great Article
Hey All! I just wanted to link over to a great article that I think you all might enjoy.
Whirling, Merkaba, Icosahedron, Phi Relationship

Those of you already acquainted with the relatively unique religious group known as the Sufis will be interested to learn that throughout much of recorded history spiritual leaders have claimed spinning or whirling as a key to finding insights and knowledge otherwise unavailable to the conscious mind.
Just listen to this description!
Many people who use binary beat exercises like Hemi-Sync or iMusic describe seeing a type of "Vessel" around their bodies which form the shape of a Star Tetrahedron, also known as a MERKABA (In ancient Egyption - Mer=rotating light, Ka=spirit, Ba=human body). This word literally means "Chariot" and/or "Throne of God" in Hebrew and is used by orthodox Jewish and Kabbala practitioners alike to describe this very same shape. This is also very commonly displayed in 2-D as the Star of David. You can check out the Merkaba pictured below.

Many Gurus and Yogis, including OSHO, have recommended whirling or spinning a few times a day as part of an enhanced meditation regimen.
Spin plays such an important role in the universe, that it is amazing how often it is overlooked in scientific experimentation. All things in nature, ranging from the orbits of the planets to the electrons of atoms have a precise velocity and direction of spin, and each of these events has a proportion and correlation to the next event, thus unfolding an eternally evolving reality we call perspective.
I have found that meditating while picturing what Buddhists refer to as the Dharma Wheel, or any spinning wheel for that matter (precise design seems to be of little consequence), is quite helpful when I need to arrive at a deeper level of focus and concentration.

Spin's Relationship to Phi
Phi describes the ratio known as the golden spiral, a spiral that can be viewed at infinitesimally different perspectives, yet look identical at every level. This variety of spin can easily be witnessed in the arms of spiral galaxies, which the milky way happens to be. Phi is also used to derive the icosahedron which is the fundamental shape inside the Merkaba.

There are many more incidences where Spin, Phi, and the Merkaba coalesce, but I will leave it up to you to find them for yourself.
If you've got any questions or comments please feel free to post them on here, or write me directly at
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Tools for the Development of Psychokinesis
Hello Everyone! It's been about a month now since my last posting, but I'm back and I've got a ton of great new topics to discuss. This post will cover some unusual devices and methods which will help you to develop and control your innate psychokinetic abilities. Enjoy!
1. The Energy Wheel
The Energy Wheel is an extremely simple device that anyone can build. To construct your very own version of the Energy Wheel, you will need the following items.
1. Sewing needle or long thumb tack
2. Sheet of paper or a note card (lighter weight = better)
3. Rubber eraser or small ball of clay
First, you will take the sheet of paper or note card and mark off a 3" by 3" square. Cut the square out using scissors and trace diagonal lines across the paper like those pictured below. Use the lines as guides and fold along the lines. Unfold the paper to create a "tent" like square.
Next, take the needle and either push it up through the eraser, or push it down through the eraser until it is securely fastened and pointing straight up. (If you are using a thumb tack, you will use the clay to create a sturdy base by applying a downward force on the tack until it is securely wedged into the clay and then flattening out the base of the clay)
Finally, balance your paper "tent" on the point of your needle and set your energy wheel on a flat surface in a location with as little air/wind interference as possible.
Now all you have to do is think the wheel in one direction or the other. Sometimes it will seem easy and other times it will be frustratingly difficult to get any reaction at all, but like all things worth getting good at...practice makes perfect!
If you don't want to make your energy wheel, you can purchase one directly from this website.
2. Pendulum
A pendulum is a simple device constructed primarily from clay and thread in the following manner.
Attach a small piece of clay or a clay bob to the end of a length of thread between 12-15" long. That's IT!
You can also build a stand from a coat hanger if you are having trouble keeping the pendulum steady in your hand. I suggest you attach the coat hanger to a flat wooden base for stability sake.
Pendulums may seem like simple and/or arcane devices, but they can prove invaluable when developing your PK abilities. There's a lot more happening to a swinging mass when you start to consider the multidimensionality of physics and the unpredictability of quantum motion.
For an interesting read on the history of pendulums check this out!
3. Wishing Machine
This is the final, and probably the strangest, device on my list. The wishing machine makes absolutely NO SENSE according to our current understanding of physics, yet time and time again people have reported this device working with an amazing success rate. Followers of The Secret will no doubt believe that the subconscious mind of the person using the machine is responsible for the success, but I believe that there is something more to this machine than The Secret can ever explain away with their, "Get what you wish for" philosophy.
I won't take up the room needed for a full explanation of the wishing machine, but will refer you to some great sites that will tell you all about the wishing machine, as well as some other great "Mind Machines" like those from G. Harry Stine's book.
Wishing Machine
Wishing Machine Forum
Buy A Wishing Machine!
Please feel free to post a reply or to email me directly if you try any of these out!
1. The Energy Wheel
The Energy Wheel is an extremely simple device that anyone can build. To construct your very own version of the Energy Wheel, you will need the following items.
1. Sewing needle or long thumb tack
2. Sheet of paper or a note card (lighter weight = better)
3. Rubber eraser or small ball of clay
First, you will take the sheet of paper or note card and mark off a 3" by 3" square. Cut the square out using scissors and trace diagonal lines across the paper like those pictured below. Use the lines as guides and fold along the lines. Unfold the paper to create a "tent" like square.
Finally, balance your paper "tent" on the point of your needle and set your energy wheel on a flat surface in a location with as little air/wind interference as possible.
Now all you have to do is think the wheel in one direction or the other. Sometimes it will seem easy and other times it will be frustratingly difficult to get any reaction at all, but like all things worth getting good at...practice makes perfect!
If you don't want to make your energy wheel, you can purchase one directly from this website.
2. Pendulum
A pendulum is a simple device constructed primarily from clay and thread in the following manner.
Attach a small piece of clay or a clay bob to the end of a length of thread between 12-15" long. That's IT!
You can also build a stand from a coat hanger if you are having trouble keeping the pendulum steady in your hand. I suggest you attach the coat hanger to a flat wooden base for stability sake.
Pendulums may seem like simple and/or arcane devices, but they can prove invaluable when developing your PK abilities. There's a lot more happening to a swinging mass when you start to consider the multidimensionality of physics and the unpredictability of quantum motion.
For an interesting read on the history of pendulums check this out!
3. Wishing Machine
This is the final, and probably the strangest, device on my list. The wishing machine makes absolutely NO SENSE according to our current understanding of physics, yet time and time again people have reported this device working with an amazing success rate. Followers of The Secret will no doubt believe that the subconscious mind of the person using the machine is responsible for the success, but I believe that there is something more to this machine than The Secret can ever explain away with their, "Get what you wish for" philosophy.
I won't take up the room needed for a full explanation of the wishing machine, but will refer you to some great sites that will tell you all about the wishing machine, as well as some other great "Mind Machines" like those from G. Harry Stine's book.
Wishing Machine
Wishing Machine Forum
Buy A Wishing Machine!
Please feel free to post a reply or to email me directly if you try any of these out!
Floridian Musings: Are Plants Nature's Battery Chargers?
Hi Everyone! I'm coming to you from Jacksonville, FL this week with a random post about plants and their energy patterns...please enjoy!
When you think about a battery charger, you probably envision something like an empty cup (the battery) and a big pitcher of liquid (the charger) filling the cup to the brim and thus recharging the battery, but this is not really how the process works at all. The waveform pictured above shows the curvature of the current wave which is used to charge a battery. Imagine waves crashing against the shore at a slow but constant pace and each time a wave hits the apex of it's lurch forward, it deposits a little bit of sand on the beach. One wave won't make much of a difference, but a large number of waves spread out over a certain amount of time will fill your shore with sand a mile high. Unfortunately for everyone, batteries have an absolute capacity and cannot continue to retain charge indefinitely, so for our example we will just add a ceiling to our beach.
Okay, now I understand how batteries are charged, what does this have to do with plants?
Well, I need to make another connection before we can get to that. I have been doing mental/sensory enhancement exercises now for the past 3+ years and have started to notice that I can close my eyes and "see" energy patterns coming from people, animals, objects, and yes...plants. People seem to have a swirling energy pattern (call it an aura, or whatever you like, but it does exist) around them in most instances, as do if someone dropped a rock in the shape of his/her silhouette into a pool of light and the ripples are protruding outward in every direction. Inanimate objects have a steady "grid" pattern surrounding them and they rarely have anything interesting about them, with the exception of certain materials like quartz which seem to channel this energy in certain directions. That brings us to the energy patterns of plants.
It wasn't until I started to compare these energy patterns, which I was perceiving around the plants, with the energy patterns of various electrical systems however that I began to notice the similarities between the energy patterns given off by plants and those produced in a charging circuit.
Plants seem to give off a steady sine wave shaped flow of energy that flows outward from the stem of the plant like a radio station using a broadcast tower to send their sound energy out to your car stereo, except the energy coming from the plant is absorbed by your body, whereas radio waves pass right through us.
If anyone can confirm this with data illustrating the energy patterns of plant life, please email me at
Update: Danilo Venegas (long-time friend of the author and fellow blogger) has pointed me to a very interesting site concerning humans energy patterns and how they relate to plants. CHECK IT OUT!
Links: 1, 2, 3,

Okay, now I understand how batteries are charged, what does this have to do with plants?
Well, I need to make another connection before we can get to that. I have been doing mental/sensory enhancement exercises now for the past 3+ years and have started to notice that I can close my eyes and "see" energy patterns coming from people, animals, objects, and yes...plants. People seem to have a swirling energy pattern (call it an aura, or whatever you like, but it does exist) around them in most instances, as do if someone dropped a rock in the shape of his/her silhouette into a pool of light and the ripples are protruding outward in every direction. Inanimate objects have a steady "grid" pattern surrounding them and they rarely have anything interesting about them, with the exception of certain materials like quartz which seem to channel this energy in certain directions. That brings us to the energy patterns of plants.
It wasn't until I started to compare these energy patterns, which I was perceiving around the plants, with the energy patterns of various electrical systems however that I began to notice the similarities between the energy patterns given off by plants and those produced in a charging circuit.
Plants seem to give off a steady sine wave shaped flow of energy that flows outward from the stem of the plant like a radio station using a broadcast tower to send their sound energy out to your car stereo, except the energy coming from the plant is absorbed by your body, whereas radio waves pass right through us.
If anyone can confirm this with data illustrating the energy patterns of plant life, please email me at
Update: Danilo Venegas (long-time friend of the author and fellow blogger) has pointed me to a very interesting site concerning humans energy patterns and how they relate to plants. CHECK IT OUT!
Links: 1, 2, 3,
Energy Patterns,
Nature's Battery Charger,
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