
Tools for the Development of Psychokinesis

Hello Everyone! It's been about a month now since my last posting, but I'm back and I've got a ton of great new topics to discuss. This post will cover some unusual devices and methods which will help you to develop and control your innate psychokinetic abilities. Enjoy!

1. The Energy Wheel

The Energy Wheel is an extremely simple device that anyone can build. To construct your very own version of the Energy Wheel, you will need the following items.

1. Sewing needle or long thumb tack
2. Sheet of paper or a note card (lighter weight = better)
3. Rubber eraser or small ball of clay

First, you will take the sheet of paper or note card and mark off a 3" by 3" square. Cut the square out using scissors and trace diagonal lines across the paper like those pictured below. Use the lines as guides and fold along the lines. Unfold the paper to create a "tent" like square.

Next, take the needle and either push it up through the eraser, or push it down through the eraser until it is securely fastened and pointing straight up. (If you are using a thumb tack, you will use the clay to create a sturdy base by applying a downward force on the tack until it is securely wedged into the clay and then flattening out the base of the clay)

Finally, balance your paper "tent" on the point of your needle and set your energy wheel on a flat surface in a location with as little air/wind interference as possible.

Now all you have to do is think the wheel in one direction or the other. Sometimes it will seem easy and other times it will be frustratingly difficult to get any reaction at all, but like all things worth getting good at...practice makes perfect!

If you don't want to make your energy wheel, you can purchase one directly from this website.

2. Pendulum

A pendulum is a simple device constructed primarily from clay and thread in the following manner.

Attach a small piece of clay or a clay bob to the end of a length of thread between 12-15" long. That's IT!

You can also build a stand from a coat hanger if you are having trouble keeping the pendulum steady in your hand. I suggest you attach the coat hanger to a flat wooden base for stability sake.

Pendulums may seem like simple and/or arcane devices, but they can prove invaluable when developing your PK abilities. There's a lot more happening to a swinging mass when you start to consider the multidimensionality of physics and the unpredictability of quantum motion.

For an interesting read on the history of pendulums check this out!

3. Wishing Machine

This is the final, and probably the strangest, device on my list. The wishing machine makes absolutely NO SENSE according to our current understanding of physics, yet time and time again people have reported this device working with an amazing success rate. Followers of The Secret will no doubt believe that the subconscious mind of the person using the machine is responsible for the success, but I believe that there is something more to this machine than The Secret can ever explain away with their, "Get what you wish for" philosophy.

I won't take up the room needed for a full explanation of the wishing machine, but will refer you to some great sites that will tell you all about the wishing machine, as well as some other great "Mind Machines" like those from G. Harry Stine's book.

Wishing Machine
Wishing Machine Forum
Buy A Wishing Machine!

Please feel free to post a reply or to email me directly if you try any of these out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im pretty intrigued by the wheel ... it's probably important to note if there are any wind conditions when tryin this :)

about the pendulum what do you do with it after youve made it? are you supposed to try and get it to swing?

keep em coming. i finally got around to trying to start hemi sync but i always fall asleep during the second one and i don't want to continue with the others till i have that one down.